On Saturday 17th of May at Martin Place Cenotaph a Remembrance Service and Wreath Laying was held. The service was held to commemorate the 73rd Anniversary of The Battle of Crete and the Greek Campaign.
I attended to support our Veterans Frank Harlow and Ken Franks. NZ WWII (Greece/Crete) Veteran 1221 T/SSgt Frank Harlow likes to attend this service to remember his fallen. There were a number of dignitaries present including the Lieutenant General Georgios Petkos, Chief of Staff of the Hellenic National Defence, General Staff. He presented Frank Harlow with a gift to recognise his service.
Te Raranga Whanui sang Tama Ngakau Marie as part of the official program. I was lucky enough to record their performance. You can check out their performance here
More information on the campaign can be found at the Australian War Memorial Website http://www.awm.gov.au/encyclopedia/greek_campaign/