Pou Unveiling in Nurragingy Reserve, Knox Rd Doonside


pou eventTwo four metre high carved pou have been commissioned by the Blacktown City Council in New South Wales to commemorate the 30 year Sister City relationship with Porirua. 

The matter first came to our attention when we saw some negative footage about the Pou on Facebook. As a very positive Maori organisation we wanted to get some facts on the matter before we decided to take a stance on the matter. 

We met with Blacktown City Council representatives who advised us that they had made some mistakes with the local tangata whenua when it came to communication and consultation but they were working on it. We met with local elders who clarified some of the issues and gave their blessing for the Pou to be put in the reserve. Misunderstandings were cleared up and things were put back on track. The open communication has paid off and we can look forward to the Pou being erected and unveiled in Nurragingy.

The two Pou were carved by Tana & Hermann Salzman. They will be erected in Nurragingy Reserve and unveiled on Friday the 23rd of May 2014 at 645am. You will need to get up early to catch the event but it will be a historic one.  

We have been to the site to check out where it will go. The Pou will be place on either side of the walkway to the Pavillion on top of the hill. The area has under gone a renovation and will be beautiful in the summer.


Location of the Pou


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